Release Managment for AX 2012 on Visual Studio Online

To set up Release Management for AX 2012 I will be utilizing the Build and Release functions of Visual Studio Online.

Below image is an overview of the process for releasing the code into our AX platform.

Release Management1

Firstly I need to set up a VSO agent on an AOS Server in the Target Environment.

Log into VSO, go into your Default Collection, Agent Queues.


Create a new Queue for the Environment.


Once you have created the Queue. Download the Agent from the same screen. And extract the ZIP to C:\Agent.

Run ConfigureAgent.cmd as Admin. And answer the questions to create the Agent Service. It is a good idea to set up a separate Service Account for it to run as with the appropriate permissions to SQL, AOS and AX.

When prompted login to your VSO account to confirm the action.


You should now have a VSO Service installed running as the Service Account you specified. Capture2

The new Agent should now register back home to VSO and be visible in the Agent Queues.


Now you have a Release Agent installed, you can hook it up to a Release Definition.

In VSO, go to the Release menu, then create a New Release Definition.


Below is an example of the definition I have created to Release the Built AXModelStore onto our various Environments.


For each environment I have created, in the definition I have also created an Agent Pool and installed the Agent onto an AOS server.


Within the environment I have defined the Default queue as the Agent Pool in that Env.


I have also defined Approvers for each Environment, to ensure no one deploys the AXModelStore without the relevant Approval and checks being done first.


Each environment has only 1 x Task added which is to run a PowerShell script on the computer where the agent runs. To differentiate between environments the Deploy.PS1 Script uses a pre-defined set which marries up with the VSO online variable $env:Release_EnvironmentName

The Artifacts tab of the Release Management in Visual Studio Online is where you assign the built artifact of a Full ModelStore. The Full ModelStore built artifacts includes all the Powershell Scripts and Modules, the AX ModelStore and AX Configs required to Release to an environment.


The clever part of the Release Management is the PowerShell Script that performs all the required actions. See below script

[ValidateSet("local", "dev", "uat", "live", "chdev", "goldsetup", ignoreCase = $true)]
[string] $Target,
[switch] $RunHeadless

Unblock-File -Path $PSScriptRoot\CodeCrib.Ax.*.dll
Add-Type -Path $PSScriptRoot\CodeCrib.AX.Client.dll
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\CodeCrib.AX.Config.PowerShell.dll
Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\ManagementUtilities\Modules\AXUtilLib.Powershell\AXUtilLib.PowerShell.dll"
Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\ManagementUtilities\Modules\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Management\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Management.dll"
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\axhelpers.psm1
# Script wide config
$scriptDirectory = $PSScriptRoot
$axUpdatePortalExeLocation = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Setup\AXUpdatePortal.exe"
$BuildNumber = $env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER

$environments = @{
"LOCAL" = @{
"aosServers" = @( "localhost" )
"aosServiceUser" = "YOURDOMAIN\AXDEVAOS"
"enterprisePortalUrl" = ""
"reportingServers" = @( "localhost" )
"databaseServer" = ".\AXDEV"
"configuration" = "build-client.axc"
"serverBinDir" = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin"
"DEV" = @{
"aosServers" = @( "AX-DEV-AOS-01" )
"aosServiceUser" = "YOURDOMAIN\AXAOSACC"
"enterprisePortalUrl" = "http://ax-uat-ent-01:93/sites/DynamicsAx"
"reportingServers" = @( "AX-DEV-RS-01" )
"databaseServer" = @( "AX-UAT-SQL-01\SQL_AX_DEV1" )
"modelDatabaseName" = "AX63_CDS_DEV_model"
"configuration" = "DEV-client.axc"
"serverBinDir" = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\AX63_CDS_DEV\bin"
"UAT" = @{
"aosServers" = @( "AX-UAT-AOS-01", "AX-UAT-BAT-01" )
"aosServiceUser" = "YOURDOMAIN\AXAOSACC"
"enterprisePortalUrl" = "http://ax-uat-ent-01:83/sites/DynamicsAx"
"reportingServers" = @( "AX-UAT-RS-01" )
"databaseServer" = @( "AX-UAT-SQL-01\SQL_AX_UAT1" )
"modelDatabaseName" = "AX63_CDS_UAT_model"
"configuration" = "UAT-client.axc"
"serverBinDir" = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\AX63_CDS_UAT\bin"
"LIVE" = @{
"aosServers" = @( "AX-AOS-01", "AX-AOS-02", "AX-AOS-03", "AX-AOS-04", "AX-AOS-BAT-01" )
"aosServiceUser" = "YOURDOMAIN\AXAOSACC"
"enterprisePortalUrl" = "http://ax-ent-01:83/sites/DynamicsAx/"
"reportingServers" = @( "AX-RS-01" )
"databaseServer" = @( "AX-SQL-01\SQL_AX1" )
"modelDatabaseName" = "AX63_CDS_PROD_model"
"configuration" = "production.axc"
"serverBinDir" = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\AX63_CDS_PROD\bin"
"aosServers" = @( "WV-AX-GOLD-S" )
"aosServiceUser" = "YOURDOMAIN\AXDEVAOS"
"enterprisePortalUrl" = "http://ax-ent-01:83/sites/DynamicsAx/"
"reportingServers" = @( "WV-AX-GOLD-S" )
"databaseServer" = @( "WV-AX-GOLD-S\AXDEV" )
"modelDatabaseName" = "MicrosoftDynamicsAX_model"
"configuration" = "AXGOLD.axc"
"serverBinDir" = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin"
"CHDEV" = @{
"aosServers" = @( "AXDEV-AOS-01" )
"aosServiceUser" = "YOURDOMAIN\AXDEVAOS"
"enterprisePortalUrl" = "http://ax-ent-01:83/sites/DynamicsAx/"
"reportingServers" = @( "AXDEV-RS-01" )
"databaseServer" = @( "WV-SQL-01\AXDEV" )
"modelDatabaseName" = "MicrosoftDynamicsAX_model"
"configuration" = "AX_CH_DEV.axc"
"serverBinDir" = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin"

# functions...

function Reject-NewAxClients
if($RunHeadless.IsPresent)  { return }

Write-Host "*************************************************************************************************************"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "This is a manual step."
Write-Host "Please reject new connections from all AOS instances."
Write-Host "Please press enter when this has been completed"

function Accept-NewAxClients
if($RunHeadless.IsPresent)  { return }

Write-Host "*************************************************************************************************************"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "This is a manual step."
Write-Host "Within AX, please do to Administration > Online users"
Write-Host "On the Server Instances tab, select each AOS instance, and then click the 'Accept new clients' button"

function Abort-IfUnmetDependencies
$clientBinDir = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin"

if((Test-Path -Path "$clientBinDir\ax32.exe") -eq $false)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Error: The AX client is not installed on this machine. It is required to perform database synchronisation"
exit -1

function Restart-ReportingServers
[string[]] $servers

foreach($server in $servers)
$service = Get-Service -Name 'ReportServer' -ComputerName $server

if(($service | Select -ExpandProperty "Status") -eq "Running")
$service | Set-Service -Status Stopped
$service | Set-Service -Status Running

function Stop-AosInstances
[string[]] $servers
foreach($server in $servers)
$service = Get-Service -Name 'AOS60$01' -ComputerName $server

if($service.Status -eq "Running")
Stop-service -InputObject $service

function Start-AosInstances
[string[]] $servers

foreach($server in $servers)
$service = Get-Service -Name 'AOS60$01' -ComputerName $server

if($service.Status -eq "Stopped")
Start-Service -InputObject $service

function Get-LatestModelStore
$matchingStores = [string[]] (Get-ChildItem -Path "${scriptDirectory}" -filter *.axmodelstore | Select -ExpandProperty Name)

if($matchingStores.Length -eq 0)
throw "unable to find any AX Model stores in the current directory, aborting"

return ([string[]]($matchingStores | Sort-Object -Descending))[0]

function Deploy-EnterprisePortalUpdates
[string] $url = ""

if($url.Length -gt 0)
& "$axUpdatePortalExeLocation" -updateall -websiteurl $url

function CleanupMetaData
[string] $Server,
[string] $Database,
[string] $aosServiceUser,
[string] $tempSchema,
[string] $backupSchema

if($RunHeadless.IsPresent -eq $false)
Write-Host "Do you wish to remove the backup schema? [Y/N]"
$answer = Read-Host

if($RunHeadless.IsPresent -or $answer.ToUpperInvariant() -eq "Y")
Write-Host "Dropping backup schema"
Write-Host "Running Initialize-AXModelStore -AOSAccount $aosServiceUser -Drop $backupSchema -Server $Server -Database $Database -NoPrompt"
Initialize-AXModelStore -AOSAccount $aosServiceUser -Drop $backupSchema -Server $Server -Database $Database -NoPrompt
Write-Host "Please remember to manually drop the schema '$backupSchemaName' before the next deployment!"
Write-Host "Dropping the Tempoary Schema and Backup Schema"
Write-Host "Running Initialize-AXModelStore -AOSAccount $aosServiceUser -Drop $tempSchema and $backupSchema -Server $Server -Database $Database -NoPrompt"
Initialize-AXModelStore -AOSAccount $aosServiceUser -Drop $tempSchema -Server $Server -Database $Database -NoPrompt
#Leaving This behind just incase we need to restore .
#Initialize-AXModelStore -AOSAccount $aosServiceUser -Drop $backupSchema -Server $Server -Database $Database -NoPrompt

function Write-AosShutdownImminentWarning
if($RunHeadless.IsPresent) { return }

Write-Host "The AOS instances now need to be shut-down before deployment can continue"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "WARNING: This will terminate all connections to Microsoft Dynamics AX!"
$answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you wish to continue? [Y/N]"

if($answer.ToUpperInvariant() -ne "Y")
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "deployment aborted, cleaning up meta-data."
CleanupMetaData -Server $dbServer -Database $modelDatabaseName -aosServiceUser $aosUser -tempSchema $schema -backupSchema $backupSchema
exit -1;

function Create-RoleCentres
if($RunHeadless.IsPresent) { return }

Write-Host "*************************************************************************************************************"
Write-Host -Foreground Yellow "The next step is a manual step"
Write-Host "You will need to create any role centres. Please refer to the deployment notes on how to do this"
Read-Host -Prompt "Press enter to continue"

function Deploy-AifPorts
if($RunHeadless.IsPresent) { return }

Write-Host "*************************************************************************************************************"
Write-Host "The next step is another manual step"
Write-Host "You need to deploy any new AIF ports.  Please refer to the deployment notes on how to do this"
Read-Host -Prompt "Press enter to continue"

function Publish-Cubes
if($RunHeadless.IsPresent) { return }

Write-Host "*************************************************************************************************************"
Write-Host "The next step is another manual step"
Write-Host "You need to redeploy the SQL cubes.  Please refer to the deployment notes on how to do this"
Read-Host -Prompt "Press enter to continue"

function removeCachedItems
([string] $path, [string] $filePattern)
$files = [System.IO.Directory]::EnumerateFiles($path, $filePattern)
foreach($file in $files)
[System.IO.File]::SetAttributes($file, [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Normal)

function removeCachedItemsRecursive
([string] $path, [string] $pathPattern, [string] $filePattern)
if(Test-Path -Path $path)
$folders = [System.IO.Directory]::EnumerateDirectories($path, $pathPattern)
foreach($folder in $folders)
removeCachedItems -path $folder -filePattern $filePattern

function Clear-AXCacheFolders
[string] $serverBinDir = $(throw "Please supply the server bin directory location")

FormatBuildEvent -source "Clear-AXCacheFolders" -level "info" -message "Cleaning server label artifacts"
$dir = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($serverBinDir, "Application\Appl\Standard")
removeCachedItems -path "$dir" -filePattern "ax*.al?"

FormatBuildEvent -source "Clear-AXCacheFolders" -level "info" -message "Cleaning server XppIL artifacts"
$dir = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($serverBinDir, "XppIL")
removeCachedItems -path "$dir" -filePattern "*"

FormatBuildEvent -source "Clear-AXCacheFolders" -level "info" -message "Cleaning server VSAssemblies artifacts"
$dir = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($serverBinDir, "VSAssemblies")
removeCachedItems -path "$dir" -filePattern "*"

FormatBuildEvent -source "Clear-AXCacheFolders" -level "info" -message "Cleaning client cache artifacts"
removeCachedItems -path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA" -filePattern "ax_*.auc"
removeCachedItems -path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA" -filePattern "ax*.kti"

FormatBuildEvent -source "Clear-AXCacheFolders" -level "info" -message "Cleaning client VSAssemblies artifacts"
$dir = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($env:LOCALAPPDATA, "Microsoft\Dynamics Ax")
removeCachedItemsRecursive -path "$dir"  -pathPattern "VSAssemblies*" -filePattern "*"

function Check-OrphanSchemas
[string] $SchemaType = $(throw "Please supply part of the Schema Name to Query")
Write-Host "Checking for Schema name like $SchemaType"
$OBS = Invoke-Sqlcmd -QueryTimeout 65535 -ServerInstance $dbServer -Query "
SELECT schema_name
FROM [$modelDatabaseName].information_schema.schemata
$OldBackupSchema = $OBS.schema_name

if ($OldBackupSchema)
Write-Host "Schema $SchemaType exists, so dropping it"
Initialize-AXModelStore -AOSAccount $aosUser -Drop $OldBackupSchema -Server $dbServer -Database $modelDatabaseName -NoPrompt

{Write-Host "There is no Schema like $SchemaType"}

# Execution starts here!
# Variables to help us handle auto-rollback on deployment failure
$hasSchemaCreated = $false
$hasSchemaApplied = $false
$hasSyncronised = $false

#Extract Latest ModelStore
Write-Host "Extracting Latest ModelStore File from ZIP"
$BackUpPath = "$scriptDirectory\$"
$Destination = "$scriptDirectory"
Add-Type -assembly ""
[io.compression.zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory($BackUpPath, $destination)

# Grab the deployment file version
$deploymentModelStoreFile = Get-LatestModelStore

# Variables to hold the deployment and backup schema names
# NOTE WELL: AX Schema names can't have spaces, underscores, and hyphens ... and perhaps others.
$datestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddhhmm"
$backupSchema = "Backup${datestamp}"
$schema = "Deployment${datestamp}"

# Configuration options
$config = $environments[$Target.ToUpperInvariant()]
$aosInstances = $config.aosServers
[String]$dbServer = $config.databaseServer
$aosUser = $config.aosServiceUser
$reportingServers = $config.reportingServers
$enterpriseUrl = $config.enterprisePortalUrl
$modelDatabaseName = $config.modelDatabaseName
$serverBinDir = $config.serverBinDir

$configurationFile = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($scriptDirectory, "Config", $config.configuration)
$modelStoreFile = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($scriptDirectory, $deploymentModelStoreFile)

Write-Host "*************************************************************************"
Write-Host " AX ModelStore Deployment to $Target"
Write-Host "*************************************************************************"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Warning: This is a semi-manual process!!"
Write-Host "You will be prompted to perform actions within AX itself."
Write-Host "Please ensure you have administrator access before continuing."


Write-Host "************************************************************************"
Write-Host "Deployment Settings"
Write-Host "************************************************************************"
Write-Host "Target                : $target"
Write-Host "Model Store File      : $deploymentModelStoreFile"
Write-Host "AoS instances         : $aosInstances"
Write-Host "Aos Service User      : $aosUser"
Write-Host "Database Server       : $dbServer"
Write-Host "Reporting Servers     : $reportingServers"
Write-Host "Enterprise Portal Url : $enterpriseUrl"
Write-Host "Client Config File    : $configurationFile"
Write-Host "************************************************************************"
<#if($RunHeadless.IsPresent -eq $false)
Write-Host "Do you wish to continue? [Y/N]"
$continue = Read-Host

if($continue.ToUpperInvariant() -ne "Y") { exit }


# Only restart reporting services / ping enterprise portal if they're used.
if($config["reportingServers"].Count -gt 0)
Restart-ReportingServers -servers $config["reportingServers"]

if($config["enterprisePortalServers"].Count -gt 0)
recycleEnterpriseServers -servers $config["enterprisePortalServers"]
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

#Checking for LeftOver TempSchema And BackupSchema then deleting
Write-Host "Checking for Orpan Schemas from previous run"
Check-OrphanSchemas -SchemaType "Backup2"
Check-OrphanSchemas -SchemaType "Deployment2"

Write-Host "Creating temporary schema '$schema' to hold this deployment"
Initialize-AXModelStore -AOSAccount $aosUser -SchemaName $schema -Server $dbServer -Database $modelDatabaseName -NoPrompt

Write-Host "Importing new model store into temporary schema"
Import-AxModelStore -Server $dbServer -Database $modelDatabaseName -SchemaName $schema -File "$modelStoreFile"  -Verbose -NoPrompt
$hasSchemaCreated = $true;

Write-Host "Stopping AOS Servers"
Stop-AoSInstances -servers $aosInstances

Write-Host "Applying new schema"
Import-AxModelStore -Server $dbServer -Database $modelDatabaseName -Apply "$schema" -BackupSchema "$backupSchema" -NoPrompt
$hasSchemaApplied = $true

Write-Host "Clearing AX Cache Folders"
Clear-AXCacheFolders -serverBinDir $serverBinDir

# Start first instance so we can perform a database sync
Write-Host "Starting single AOS instance to perform database synchronisation"
[string[]] $firstServer = @($aosInstances[0]);
Start-AosInstances -servers $firstServer

Write-Host "Starting Database Synchronisation"
Invoke-DatabaseSynchronisation -ClientConfigFile $configurationFile -timeout 60
$hasSyncronised = $true

Write-Host "Publishing reports"
Write-host "Publishing All AX Reports"
Publish-AXReport -Reportname *
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
# Publish-AllAxReports -ConfigurationFile  $configurationFile
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

Deploy-EnterprisePortalUpdates -url $enterpriseUrl
# Accept clients
Write-Host "Cleaning up post-deploy"
CleanupMetaData -Server $dbServer -Database $modelDatabaseName -aosServiceUser $aosUser -tempSchema $schema -backupSchema $backupSchema

Write-Host "Starting all AoS instances"
Start-AosInstances -servers $aosInstances
Write-Host "Deploy failed with message '$_'"
Write-Host "Rolling back deployment"

Write-Host "Stopping AOS Service"
Stop-AoSInstances -servers $aosInstances

Write-Host "Importing Backing Schema"
Import-AxModelStore -Server $dbServer -Database $modelDatabaseName -Apply "$backupSchema" -NoPrompt

Write-Host "Dropping old Backup Schema"
Initialize-AXModelStore -AOSAccount $aosUser -Drop $backupSchema -Server $dbServer -Database $modelDatabaseName -NoPrompt

Write-Host "Clearing XppIL and Client Cache Files"
Clear-AXCacheFolders -serverBinDir $serverBinDir
[string[]] $firstServer = @($aosInstances[0]);

Write-Host "Starting AOS Service"
Start-AosInstances -servers $firstServer

Write-Host "Dropping New Schema since it failed to install!"
Initialize-AXModelStore -AOSAccount $aosUser -Drop $schema -Server $dbServer -Database $modelDatabaseName -NoPrompt

Write-Host "Re-running DB sync to revert DB changes after failed ModelStore $BuildNumber import"
Invoke-DatabaseSynchronisation -ClientConfigFile $configurationFile -timeout 60

exit -1

The Script takes a couple of Parameters :

  • Target – The Environment Name or the VSO Variable for it – $env:Release_EnvironmentName
  • RunHeadless – If passed will run silently

The Target Name reflects an array of different configurations defined within the Powershell script.

Examples :

The following will deploy silently to DEV
deploy.ps1 -Target DEV -RunHeadless

The following will deploy silently to the Environment Name in VSO
deploy.ps1 -Target $env:Release_EnvironmentName -RunHeadless 


There are a couple of manual steps required after the ModelStore has been automatically deployed.

  • Publish Cubes
  • Deploy Reports (Skipped due to speed)
  • Update Enterprise Portal (Skipped due to speed)
  • Creating Role Centers
  • AIF Endpoints (Will automate import in separate guide)


Now to test a Release, Click Release, then Create Release.


If you have set up approvers, they will receive a notification of a requested Release, until they approve it will not continue.

Once approved, go into the Release and from the Logs Tab, you will see the following Output.


2015-12-17T09:18:20.8190946Z . 'c:\builds\79572c9c9\Full AX Build ModelStore\drop\deploy.ps1' -Target $env:Release_EnvironmentName -RunHeadless
2015-12-17T09:18:20.8659989Z Executing the following powershell script. (workingFolder = c:\builds\79572c9c9)
2015-12-17T09:18:20.8659989Z c:\builds\79572c9c9\Full AX Build ModelStore\drop\deploy.ps1 -Target $env:Release_EnvironmentName -RunHeadless
2015-12-17T09:18:22.6472932Z Extracting Latest ModelStore File from ZIP
2015-12-17T09:19:18.4929285Z *************************************************************************
2015-12-17T09:19:18.4929285Z  AX ModelStore Deployment to DEV
2015-12-17T09:19:18.4929285Z *************************************************************************
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5085645Z ************************************************************************
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5085645Z Deployment Settings
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5085645Z ************************************************************************
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5085645Z Target                : DEV
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5241913Z Model Store File      :
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5241913Z AoS instances         : AX-DEV-AOS-01
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5398245Z Aos Service User      : YOURDOMAIN\AXAOSACC
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5398245Z Database Server       : AX-UAT-SQL-01\SQL_AX_DEV1
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5398245Z Reporting Servers     : AX-DEV-RS-01
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5398245Z Enterprise Portal Url : http://ax-uat-ent-01:93/sites/DynamicsAx
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5398245Z Client Config File    : C:\builds\79572c9c9\Full AX Build ModelStore\drop\Config\DEV-client.axc
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5398245Z ************************************************************************
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5398245Z Checking for Orpan Schemas from previous run
2015-12-17T09:19:18.5398245Z Checking for Schema name like Backup2
2015-12-17T09:19:29.0403495Z There is no Schema like Backup2
2015-12-17T09:19:29.0403495Z Checking for Schema name like Deployment2
2015-12-17T09:19:29.0403495Z There is no Schema like Deployment2
2015-12-17T09:19:29.0403495Z Creating temporary schema 'Deployment201512170919' to hold this deployment
2015-12-17T09:19:38.8530015Z Model store schema successfully created.
2015-12-17T09:19:39.1967884Z Permissions granted for YOURDOMAIN\AXAOSACC.
2015-12-17T09:19:39.2280128Z Importing new model store into temporary schema
2015-12-17T09:19:39.2593165Z VERBOSE: AXUtil 6.3 - Microsoft Dynamics AX Admin Utility (6.3.2000.3868)
2015-12-17T09:19:39.2593165Z (c) Copyright, Microsoft Corporation, 2011. All rights reserved.
2015-12-17T09:19:39.2593165Z VERBOSE:
2015-12-17T09:19:39.2593165Z VERBOSE: The AXUtil command was started in the mode: IMPORTSTORE.
2015-12-17T09:19:39.2593165Z VERBOSE:
2015-12-17T09:19:39.2748933Z VERBOSE: Working against model store AX-UAT-SQL-01\SQL_AX_DEV1/AX63_CDS_DEV_model.
2015-12-17T09:19:39.2748933Z VERBOSE:
2015-12-17T09:28:33.0431444Z The model store file C:\builds\79572c9c9\Full AX Build ModelStore\drop\ was successfully imported.
2015-12-17T09:28:33.0587220Z Stopping AOS Servers
2015-12-17T09:28:35.3811729Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:28:37.4963190Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:28:39.6214667Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:28:41.7464722Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:28:43.8715381Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:28:45.9809823Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:28:48.1060725Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:28:50.2311346Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:28:52.3562191Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:28:54.4812790Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:28:56.6064618Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:28:58.7314425Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:00.8565011Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:02.9816007Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:05.1066590Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:07.2160901Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:09.3412031Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:11.4663156Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:13.5913116Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:15.7166071Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:17.8414529Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:19.9509013Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:22.0759673Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:24.2010397Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:26.3573762Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:28.4980374Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:30.6231328Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:32.7639026Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:34.8889124Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:37.0296102Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:39.1546859Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:41.2953818Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:43.4204870Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:45.5768119Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:47.7018489Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:49.8425828Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:51.9676662Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:54.1083197Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:56.2334542Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:29:58.3428392Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:00.4679155Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:02.6086106Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:04.7336697Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:06.8743603Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:08.9995116Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:11.1401562Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:13.2652201Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:15.3903572Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:17.5465805Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:19.6716774Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:21.7968284Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:23.9218217Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:26.0469449Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:28.1721637Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:30.2970512Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:32.4221152Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:34.5784195Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:36.7035456Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:38.8442416Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:40.9692995Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:43.0787463Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:45.2038301Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:47.3289054Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:49.4540927Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:51.5946373Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:53.7041527Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:55.8292134Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:30:57.9542963Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:00.0793592Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:02.2044097Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:04.3294596Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:06.4389050Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:08.5639931Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:10.7047406Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:12.8297344Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:14.9860921Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:17.1111505Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:19.2518742Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:21.3769120Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:23.5176293Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:25.6739134Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:27.7833804Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:29.8772139Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:32.0022935Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:34.1273762Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:36.2524423Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:38.3775514Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:40.5025913Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:42.6440134Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:44.7684429Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:46.9090195Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:49.0340859Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:51.1591782Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:53.2842384Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:55.4093754Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:57.5344137Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:31:59.7063052Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:01.8314836Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:03.9721059Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:06.0972196Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:08.2379053Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:10.3629659Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:12.5037254Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:14.6288155Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:16.7850412Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:18.9101383Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:21.0508374Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:23.1758864Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:25.3010404Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:27.4260512Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:29.5511791Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:31.6761917Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:33.8013184Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:35.9263490Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:38.0514744Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:40.1765052Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:42.3172778Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:44.4423127Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:46.5829587Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:48.7392202Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:50.8643350Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:52.9893883Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:55.1146373Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:57.2551998Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:32:59.3802908Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:01.5053346Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:03.6304223Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:05.7866772Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:07.9118583Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:10.0524994Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:12.1775529Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:14.3026321Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:16.4276910Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:18.5371544Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:20.6622370Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:22.7873648Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:24.9123668Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:27.0218138Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:29.1469089Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:31.2719543Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:33.3970593Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:35.5221034Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:37.6471761Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:39.7962137Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:41.9130184Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:44.0536634Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:46.1787419Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:48.3038074Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:50.4444923Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:52.5695929Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:54.7102857Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:56.8509238Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:33:58.9760321Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:01.1167580Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:03.2417988Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:05.3825246Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:07.5075903Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:09.6483380Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:11.7733565Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:13.9140559Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:16.0547591Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:18.1954231Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:20.3205422Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:22.4455865Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:24.5706323Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:26.6800745Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:28.8051925Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:30.9302559Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:33.0553428Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:35.1803979Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:37.3054627Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:39.4305715Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:41.5555955Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:43.6806854Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:45.8057523Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:47.9151988Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:50.0402943Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:52.1653478Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:54.2904214Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:56.3998585Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:34:58.5249169Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:00.6500011Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:02.7750952Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:04.9313561Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:07.0564732Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:09.1971771Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:11.3222334Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:13.4473102Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:15.5723801Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:17.7130913Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:19.8381736Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:21.9476169Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:24.0726679Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:26.2133727Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:28.3384897Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:30.4635160Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:32.5886440Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:34.7136776Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:36.8387257Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:38.9638259Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:41.0888819Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:43.2139428Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:45.3390155Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:47.4797398Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:49.6047947Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:51.7454859Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:53.8705745Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:56.0112960Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:35:58.1363626Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:00.2614234Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:02.3864790Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:04.5115475Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:06.6366729Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:08.7461022Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:10.8711692Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:13.0117946Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:15.1369297Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:17.2776205Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:19.4026886Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:21.5590298Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:23.6840901Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:25.8247748Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:27.9498914Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:30.1061748Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:32.2312594Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:34.3719425Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:36.4970671Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:38.6220794Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:40.7471706Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:42.8722263Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:45.0285108Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:47.1536092Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:49.2786939Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:51.4037679Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:53.5289161Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:55.6539009Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:57.7790164Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:36:59.9040407Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:02.0447254Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:04.1542218Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:06.2793215Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:08.4043294Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:10.5294383Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:12.6388776Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:14.7639343Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:16.8890286Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:19.0140928Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:21.1391652Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:23.2642390Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:25.3736854Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:27.4987701Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:29.6394733Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:31.7645551Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:33.8895912Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:36.0147246Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:38.1397207Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:40.2648263Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:42.4211327Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:44.5462284Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:46.6869194Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:48.8119730Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:50.9526754Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:53.1089451Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:55.2340729Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:57.3591782Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:37:59.4842575Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:01.5936911Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:03.7187833Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:05.8438022Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:07.9844692Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:10.1407993Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:12.2502317Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:14.3753506Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:16.5004086Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:18.6255579Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:20.7505749Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:22.8756264Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:25.0007158Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:27.1413588Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:29.2665065Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:31.4227814Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:33.5478725Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:35.6885797Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:37.8136644Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:39.9230835Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:42.0482122Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:44.1732220Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:46.2983122Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:48.4233903Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:50.5484682Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:52.6891375Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:54.8142288Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:56.9236905Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:38:59.0487553Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:01.1607881Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:03.2833568Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:05.4395890Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:07.5647391Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:09.7053355Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:11.8304125Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:13.9867476Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:16.1118314Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:18.2370062Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:20.3620015Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:22.5026778Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:24.6277187Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:26.7528023Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:28.8778746Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:30.9873093Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:33.1124005Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:35.2374671Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:37.3625559Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:39.4719698Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:41.5970570Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:43.7221288Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:45.8472205Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:47.9723228Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:50.0973520Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:52.2319445Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:54.3474899Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:56.4725480Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:39:58.5976423Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:00.7227009Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:02.8478267Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:04.9728617Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:07.0979503Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:09.2854559Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:11.4105612Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:13.5513137Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:15.6763419Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:17.8170671Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:19.9421192Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:22.0828066Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:24.2079242Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:26.3486630Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:28.4736455Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:30.5831152Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:32.7082119Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:34.8332593Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:36.9583314Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:39.0990344Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:41.2241002Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:43.3335252Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:45.4586700Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:47.5837064Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:49.7087807Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:51.8494522Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:53.9745258Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:56.0839701Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:40:58.2090409Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:00.3341114Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:02.4591840Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:04.5842532Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:06.7093376Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:08.8656553Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:10.9907201Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:13.1001876Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:15.2252468Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:17.3503208Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:19.4754011Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:21.5849248Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:23.7099073Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:25.8349895Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:27.9600822Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:30.0851433Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:32.2102120Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:34.3524984Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:36.4759413Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:38.6010311Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:40.7261198Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:42.8511853Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:44.9762707Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:47.1013272Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:49.2107831Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:51.3358736Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:53.4609342Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:55.5860009Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:57.6954289Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:41:59.8205321Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:01.9612338Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:04.0862918Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:06.2113839Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:08.3364244Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:10.4458812Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:12.5710104Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:14.7116418Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:16.8367549Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:18.9618781Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:21.0868627Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:23.2275892Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:25.3526280Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:27.5089604Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:29.6340161Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:31.7591708Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:33.8841586Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:36.0248591Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:38.1499351Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:40.2750075Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:42.4156913Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:44.5407988Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:46.6658655Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:48.7909308Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:50.9160318Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:53.0410577Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:55.1661708Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:57.2755772Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:42:59.4475153Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:01.5726316Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:03.6976878Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:05.8227914Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:07.9478127Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:10.0729486Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:12.1979717Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:14.3230388Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:16.4793301Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:18.6044599Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:20.7138719Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:22.8545597Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:25.0108990Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:27.1360006Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:29.2922975Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:31.4174001Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:33.5427097Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:35.6675380Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:37.7925815Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:39.9176655Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:42.0427317Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:44.1677990Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:46.2928817Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:48.4179859Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:50.5274120Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:52.6524786Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:54.7619044Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:56.8869720Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:43:59.0120589Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:01.1371207Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:03.2622338Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:05.3872613Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:07.5123414Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:09.6374286Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:11.7937391Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:13.9188414Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:16.0594952Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:18.1846389Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:20.2940261Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:22.4191114Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:24.5365603Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:26.6536167Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:28.7943284Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:30.9194034Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:33.0757200Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:35.2007738Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:37.3259172Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:39.4509312Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:41.5760122Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:43.7010954Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:45.8105278Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:47.9356015Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:50.0606604Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:52.1857323Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:54.3108812Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:56.4202605Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:44:58.6234254Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:00.6860852Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:02.8111006Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:04.9361968Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:07.0612628Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:09.1707287Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:11.2958096Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:13.4208516Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:15.5459314Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:17.6866036Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:19.8116806Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:21.9211692Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:24.0462062Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:26.1713027Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:28.2963738Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:30.4214072Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:32.5465056Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:34.6872105Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:36.8122652Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:38.9373515Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:41.0624146Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:43.1719050Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:45.2969285Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:47.4376275Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:49.5627264Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:51.7190279Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:53.8441141Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:55.9691659Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:45:58.0942457Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:00.2193429Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:02.3444721Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:04.4694619Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:06.5945104Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:08.7195947Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:10.8446691Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:12.9697691Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:15.0948669Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:17.2512260Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:19.3762299Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:21.5013074Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:23.6263771Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:25.7358360Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:27.8608504Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:29.9859599Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:32.1110157Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:34.2517756Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:36.3768124Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:38.5018623Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:40.6269344Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:42.7676497Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:44.8927372Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:47.0178057Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:49.1428539Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:51.2523018Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:53.3773816Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:55.5025072Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:57.6275398Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:46:59.7526099Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:01.8776562Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:04.0027287Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:06.1279549Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:08.2528737Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:10.3779184Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:12.5030334Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:14.6125413Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:16.7531516Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:18.8782529Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:21.0032989Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:23.1283797Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:25.2534835Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:27.3785320Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:29.5036601Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:31.6286865Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:33.7450017Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:35.8631923Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:37.9882689Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:40.1133657Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:42.2384211Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:44.3478663Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:46.4729421Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:48.5979737Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:50.7231477Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:52.8325207Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:54.9575930Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:57.0826608Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:47:59.2077067Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:01.3485630Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:03.4735389Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:05.5829473Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:07.7080783Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:09.8331753Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:11.9582336Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:14.0832528Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:16.2083174Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:18.3646533Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:20.4897192Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:22.6304508Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:24.7554505Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:26.8961829Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:29.0212666Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:31.1775783Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:33.3026501Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:35.4121077Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:37.5371663Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:39.6466187Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:41.7716823Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:43.8967756Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:46.0218267Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:48.1468883Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:50.2719615Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:52.3814132Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:54.5064715Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:56.6315701Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:48:58.7566197Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:00.8817089Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:03.0067669Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:05.1162131Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:07.2413381Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:09.3663798Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:11.5070517Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:13.6321387Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:15.7884645Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:17.9447426Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:20.0698590Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:22.1949291Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:24.3200262Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:26.4607057Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:28.5857886Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:30.7108490Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to stop...
2015-12-17T09:49:32.0546556Z Applying new schema
2015-12-17T09:49:43.7269202Z Model Store schema Deployment201512170919 was successfully applied.
2015-12-17T09:49:43.7269202Z The schema [dbo] was successfully backed up in backup-schema Backup201512170919.
2015-12-17T09:49:43.7269202Z Clearing AX Cache Folders
2015-12-17T09:49:43.8831463Z 12/17/2015 09:49:43 (AOS_Running=False) (Clear-AXCacheFolders) [info]: Cleaning server label artifacts
2015-12-17T09:49:45.7425989Z 12/17/2015 09:49:45 (AOS_Running=False) (Clear-AXCacheFolders) [info]: Cleaning server XppIL artifacts
2015-12-17T09:49:47.7114002Z 12/17/2015 09:49:47 (AOS_Running=False) (Clear-AXCacheFolders) [info]: Cleaning server VSAssemblies artifacts
2015-12-17T09:49:47.7270490Z 12/17/2015 09:49:47 (AOS_Running=False) (Clear-AXCacheFolders) [info]: Cleaning client cache artifacts
2015-12-17T09:49:47.7582703Z 12/17/2015 09:49:47 (AOS_Running=False) (Clear-AXCacheFolders) [info]: Cleaning client VSAssemblies artifacts
2015-12-17T09:49:47.8364382Z Starting single AOS instance to perform database synchronisation
2015-12-17T09:49:50.5552811Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:49:52.6803349Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:49:54.8053991Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:49:56.9356643Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:49:59.0555753Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:01.1806120Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:03.3056895Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:05.4307556Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:07.5402139Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:09.6652862Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:11.7903587Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:13.9154241Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:16.0717557Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:18.2124569Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:20.3375143Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:22.4625923Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:24.6189831Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:26.7439758Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:28.8690652Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:31.0253522Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:33.1504462Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:35.2755193Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:37.4162355Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:39.5412931Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:41.6820123Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:43.7914382Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:45.9477861Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:48.0572080Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:50.1823111Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:52.3073836Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:54.4324394Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:56.5277559Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:50:58.6514360Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:00.7764452Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:02.8858583Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:05.0109518Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:07.1672502Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:09.3236079Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:11.4486429Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:13.5737718Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:15.6988158Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:17.8240174Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:19.9489610Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:22.1208409Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:24.2461244Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:26.3866527Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:28.5117285Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:30.6524384Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:32.7775087Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:34.9181934Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:37.0432581Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:39.1683396Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:41.2934171Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:43.4498223Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:45.5747776Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:47.7155176Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:49.8406098Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:51.9656600Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:54.1219298Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:56.2470297Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:51:58.3721182Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:00.4971864Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:02.6222666Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:04.7473669Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:06.8724109Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:09.0287408Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:11.1693837Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:13.2945184Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:15.4352184Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:17.5603255Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:19.6697422Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:21.7947872Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:23.9198942Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:26.0449526Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:28.1699582Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:30.2950912Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:32.4201509Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:34.5608327Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:36.6546684Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:38.7797521Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:40.9048211Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:43.0142958Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:45.1393407Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:47.2957089Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:49.4207392Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:51.5458251Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:53.6709405Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:55.7959750Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:52:57.9210082Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:00.0462912Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:02.1713183Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:04.2806503Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:06.4058412Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:08.5307501Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:10.6558634Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:12.7808852Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:14.9059905Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:17.1247740Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:19.2654661Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:21.3905784Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:23.5156240Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:25.6407196Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:27.7814052Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:29.9064666Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:32.0315441Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:34.1566069Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:36.2816558Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:38.4069135Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:40.5318247Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:42.6881597Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:44.7975968Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:46.9383028Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:49.0477376Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:51.1728710Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:53.2979436Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:55.4229630Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:57.5480212Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:53:59.6731030Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6.3$01-AX63_CDS_DEV (AOS60$01)' to start...
2015-12-17T09:54:01.5327224Z Starting Database Synchronisation
2015-12-17T10:15:30.2951281Z 12/17/2015 10:15:30 (AOS_Running=True) (Invoke-DatabaseSynchronisation) [info]: Log file output------------------------------------------------------------------
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4357606Z 12/17/2015 10:15:30 (AOS_Running=True) (Invoke-DatabaseSynchronisation) [info]:
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4357606Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on DMPUserMessageView (DMPUserMessageView).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4357606Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4357606Z  Synchronize database DMPUserMessageTable (User messages ), DMPMessageTable (Messages )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4357606Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on MSM_ObjectComponentMeterType (MSM_ObjectComponentMeterType).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4357606Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4357606Z  Synchronize database MSM_MeterTypeTable (MSM_MeterTypeTable )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4357606Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Component meters (MSM_ComponentTypeMeter).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4357606Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4357606Z  Synchronize database MSM_MeterTypeTable (MSM_MeterTypeTable )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Non-corrective asset transactions (RAssetTransNotCorrectiveView).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database RAssetTrans (FA transactions )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Corrective asset transactions (RAssetTransCorrectiveView).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database RAssetTrans (FA transactions )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Asset transactions with reporting date (RAssetTransReportingView).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database RAssetTransNotCorrectiveView (Non-corrective asset transactions )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on the tax codes of the Total compensation statement section (HcmTotalCompStatementSectionTaxCode).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database HcmTotalCompStatementSectionTax (the Taxes section of the Total compensation statement section form ), HcmTotalCompStatementSection (the total compensation statement section form ), PayrollTaxCode (Tax code )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on the tax codes in tax groups of the Total compensation statement section (HcmTotalCompStatementSectionTaxGroup).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database HcmTotalCompStatementSectionTax (the Taxes section of the Total compensation statement section form ), HcmTotalCompStatementSection (the total compensation statement section form ), PayrollTaxGroupCode (Tax group code )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Payroll US Tax History Consolidated (PrlUSTaxTransactionHistoryConsolidated).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database PrlUSTaxTransactionHistory (Payroll tax transaction history ), PayrollPayStatement (Pay statements )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Tax region cube (PayrollTaxRegionCube).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4513795Z  Synchronize database PayrollTaxRegion (Tax region )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Position detail cube (PayrollPositionDetailCube).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database PayrollPositionDetails (Payroll details for positions )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Earning code cube (PayrollEarningCodeCube).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database PayrollEarningCode (Earning code ), PayrollEarningCodeDetail (Earning code detail )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Benefit accruals cube (PayrollBenefitAccrualCube).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database PayrollAccrual (Benefit accrual plan ), PayrollWorkerEnrolledAccrual (Worker enrolled benefit accrual )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Worker arrears cube (PayrollArrearsCube).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database PRLDeductionArrear (Worker arrears ), PayrollPayStatement (Pay statements ), PRLDeductionArrearRecovery (Deduction arrears recovery ), PayrollPayPeriod (Pay period ), PayrollPayCycle (Pay cycle ), PayrollPayStatement (Pay statements ), PayrollPayPeriod (Pay period ), PayrollPayCycle (Pay cycle )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Worker enrolled benefits (PayrollWorkerEnrolledBenefitsCube).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database PayrollWorkerEnrolledBenefitDetail (Worker benefit enrolled detail ), PayrollBenefitDetail (Payroll benefit detail ), PayrollWorkerGarnishmentDetail (Worker garnishment detail ), PayrollPositionDetails (Payroll details for positions )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Pay statement cube (PayrollPayStatementCube).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database PayrollPayStatementLine (Pay statement lines ), PayrollPayStatement (Pay statements ), PayrollPayStatementLine (Pay statement lines ), PayrollPayStatementLine (Pay statement lines ), PayrollPayStatementAccrualBalance (Payment benefit accrual balance ), PayrollPayStatementLine (Pay statement lines ), PayrollPayPeriod (Pay period ), PayrollPayStatement (Pay statements ), PayrollPayCycle (Pay cycle ), PayrollWorkerTaxRegion (Worker tax region ), PayrollPositionDetails (Payroll details for positions )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Employment cube (PayrollEmploymentCube).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4669918Z  Synchronize database PayrollPositionDetails (Payroll details for positions ), PayrollBankAccountDisbursement (Bank account disbursements )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Earnings statement cube (PayrollEarningStatementCube).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z  Synchronize database PayrollEarningStatementLine (Earnings statement lines ), PayrollEarningStatement (Earnings statements ), PayrollWorkerTaxRegion (Worker tax region ), PayrollPremiumEarningCode (Premium code ), PayrollWorkPeriod (Work period ), PayrollPayPeriod (Pay period ), PayrollPayCycle (Pay cycle ), PayrollPositionDetails (Payroll details for positions ), PayrollWorkCycle (Work cycle )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Benefit plan (HcmBenefitPlanCube).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z  Synchronize database PayrollBenefitTaxRule_US (Benefit Tax Rule US ), PayrollRetirementBenefitPlanDetail_US (Retirement Benefit Plan Detail US ), PayrollBenefitPlanDetail (Benefit plan detail ), PayrollBenefitExternalReporting (Benefit external reporting )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Payroll pay statement tax lines manual grouped (PayrollPayStatementTaxLinesManualGrouped).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z  Synchronize database PayrollPayStatementTaxLinesManual (Payroll pay statement tax lines manual ), PayrollPayStatement (Pay statements )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Payroll U.S. tax transaction history cube (PayrollTaxTransHistoryCube).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z  Synchronize database PayrollTaxTransactionHistoryUnion (Payroll US Tax History Union ), PayrollPayStatement (Pay statements ), PayrollPositionDetails (Payroll details for positions )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Total Compensation Statement Section Tax Cube (HcmTotalCompStatementSectionTaxAll).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z  Synchronize database HcmTotalCompStatementSectionTaxGroup (the tax codes in tax groups of the Total compensation statement section )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on the benefit codes in benefit group of the Total compensation statement section (HcmTotalCompStatementSectionEarningGroup).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z  Synchronize database HcmTotalCompStatementSectionEarning (the Benefits section of the Total compensation statement section form ), HcmTotalCompStatementSection (the total compensation statement section form ), PayrollEarningCodeGroupCode (Earning code group earning code )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on the benefit codes of the Total compensation statement section (HcmTotalCompStatementSectionEarningCode).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4826259Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4982581Z  Synchronize database HcmTotalCompStatementSectionEarning (the Benefits section of the Total compensation statement section form ), HcmTotalCompStatementSection (the total compensation statement section form )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4982581Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Total Compensation Statement Section Earning Cube (HcmTotalCompStatementSectionEarningAll).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4982581Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4982581Z  Synchronize database HcmTotalCompStatementSectionEarningGroup (the benefit codes in benefit group of the Total compensation statement section )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4982581Z  Synchronize database Cannot execute a data definition language command on Total Compensation Statement Section Benefit Cube (HcmTotalCompStatementSectionBenefitAll).
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4982581Z The view has been disabled. Configuration key on following table(s) is off
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4982581Z  Synchronize database HcmTotalCompStatementSectionBenefit (the Benefits section of the Total compensation statement section form ), HcmTotalCompStatementSection (the total compensation statement section form )
2015-12-17T10:15:30.4982581Z 12/17/2015 10:15:30 (AOS_Running=True) (Invoke-DatabaseSynchronisation) [info]: Log file output------------------------------------------------------------------
2015-12-17T10:15:30.5138768Z 12/17/2015 10:15:30 (AOS_Running=True) (Invoke-DatabaseSynchronisation) [info]: database synchronisation took 00:21:28.8831280
2015-12-17T10:15:30.5138768Z Cleaning up post-deploy
2015-12-17T10:15:30.5295063Z Dropping the Tempoary Schema and Backup Schema
2015-12-17T10:15:30.5295063Z Running Initialize-AXModelStore -AOSAccount YOURDOMAIN\AXAOSACC -Drop Deployment201512170919 and Backup201512170919 -Server AX-UAT-SQL-01\SQL_AX_DEV1 -Database AX63_CDS_DEV_model -NoPrompt
2015-12-17T10:15:30.9048261Z Schema Deployment201512170919 successfully dropped.
2015-12-17T10:15:31.0764152Z Starting all AoS instances




Release Managment for AX 2012 on Visual Studio Online

5 thoughts on “Release Managment for AX 2012 on Visual Studio Online

  1. Mike says:

    Do you also run the Build tasks on Visual Studio Online? That is something we’re interested in doing, both the build and release processes.


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